Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Good eye habits -10 ways to keep eyes healthy ? The Ghanaian ...

Good eye habits -10 ways to keep eyes healthy

Posted by Contributor on August 8, 2012 at 12:54 pm in Health, Health & Lifestyle


Modern life style puts lots of stress on our body. Eyes are among the first things that are most susceptible to suffer. Eyes also need special care like all main organs in the body. Special care of eyes helps to prevent eye ailments like vision loss, macular degeneration, cataracts, dry eyes, and problems with night vision.


1) Wear sunglasses

Ultraviolet rays of sun also harm our eyes like skin. Ultraviolet rays make the eyes red and itchy. Over-exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause pterygia, cataracts, macular degeneration and permanent damage to the retina. So always wear sunglasses to protect eyes from UV rays. UVA and UVB radiation are blocked by sunglasses. Always purchase the sunglasses that cover up the entire eye area down to the cheek.

2) Drink plenty of water

Our body contains nearly 70% water. Water is important to keep the eyes healthy. Water keeps the eyes hydrated and help to remove any dust and debris from it. Dehydration makes the eyes sore, dry and irritated. Water also keep the eyes lubricated and prevent irritation as well as dark circles around it. So you must drink 6 to 8 glasses (1.2 litres) of water daily.

3) Wash your eyes

Make a habit to wash the eyes 3 to 4 times a day properly. This will keep the eyes hydrated and lubricated as well as prevent them from becoming red. It also removes foreign particles from the eyes. Wash the eyes with cold water to clean them thoroughly. For best results, splash water into the open eyes.

4) Eye exercise

Eye exercises are one of the easiest ways to keep the eyes healthy. Eye exercises can be done by everyone as they are very simple. Eye exercises such as palming, rolling, rest eyes and blinking prevent eye strain and help in overall eye vision. Eye exercises also help to strengthen eye muscles and provide relaxation.

5) Vitamin A

Consume Vitamin A rich diet as it will decrease the risk of night blindness and cataracts. Vitamin A prevents bacteria and viruses to enter in the eyes so it decreases the risk of eye infections. Vitamin A deficiency can cause blindness and corneal ulcers. Consume more milk, papaya, carrots, sweet potatoes, celery, orange, egg, spinach, fish, tomatoes, etc as they are high in Vitamin A.

6) Sleep

Always taking 7 to 8 hours sleep daily is very beneficial for the eyes as it prevent around 70% eye problems. It also keeps the eyes feeling bright and refreshed. Insufficient sleep can cause the eyes to become irritated, sore, red, puffy and bloodshot. Problems caused by insufficient sleep can be relieved by putting a cold compress, slices of cucumber, wet tea bags or a cold wet facecloth above the eyes.

7) Remove eye make-up

Many women simply flop on the bed after a long exhausting day without removing makeup. Before sleeping always remove the eye makeup such as eyeliners, mascara, and eye shadows as they can cause problem to the eyes. Eye make-up can enter the eye balls if it is left on the eye and scratch the cornea or lead to infections in the eye. Remove the eye makeup with the help of makeup remover and water.

8) Quit smoking and avoid drinking

Smoking and alcohol also cause harm to eyes. These habits damage the blood vessels behind the eyes. Over 4,000 harmful chemicals are there in the single stick of cigarette. Smoking can lead to dry eye syndrome, cataracts and glaucoma. Smoking also increases the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration which causes blindness.

9) Prevent eye-swelling

Eye swelling is caused due to allergies, dehydration and high blood pressure. So stay hydrated by consuming lots of water to prevent eye swelling. To prevent eye swelling also lower the intake of salt in the diet, put cold compress over the eyes and keep the head elevated while sleeping as it will let better circulation.

10) Get eyes tested regularly

It is very essential to go for eyes check up annually by a professional optometrist. Early diagnosis of eye problems can save your sight. Eye problems may take place without any early symptoms and if they are not treated they can become more serious.



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