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Pretty much anything goes here. NO POLITICS or RELIGION please. If you are new to the forum just introduce yourself here in this section by starting a new thread. Enjoy!!Earphones, Hearing Loss Article from Techlicious
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- Group: Silver
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- LocationLeesburg, VA
Posted Yesterday, 11:36 AM
Here's an article that I thought might be of interest to some of the forum members:Here is link if you want to go to the site and possibly subscribe (free)
Here is the actual article:
Earphones Can Cause Hearing Loss
posted by Suzanne Kantra on September 05, 2012
in Family and Parenting, News, Phones and Mobile, Headphones, Music and Video, Health and Home, Health & Fitness, Blog
Researchers at the University of Leicester have witnessed for the first time the damage that noises over 110 decibels can cause to nerve cells?sound levels earphones can generate when turned up too high. Lead researcher Dr. Martine Hamann explains, "Nerve cells that carry electrical signals from the ears to the brain have a coating called the myelin sheath, which helps the electrical signals travel along the cell. Exposure to loud noises - i.e. noise over 110 decibels - can strip the cells of this coating, disrupting the electrical signals. This means the nerves can no longer efficiently transmit information from the ears to the brain." Resulting hearing problems can include temporary deafness and tinnitus, or ringing in the ears.
The good news is that the researchers found that nerve cells' myelin sheathes can recover over of a period of about three months. These findings could lead to better means of prevention and a cure for some types of hearing loss.
Of course, it?s best if you never damage your hearing in the first place.
Most music players max out at about 103 decibels (dB), though some can reach sound levels of up to 120dB, which is like standing 100 feet behind the engine of a jet plane as it's taking off. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), more than a minute of exposure to 110 dB (ex. a chain saw) risks permanent hearing loss, as can 15 minutes at 100dB or prolonged exposure at or above 85dB.
If you?re not sure how loud your music player is, try turning it all the way up. If you can?t hear someone talking to you in the same room, the volume is too loud.
As a general rule, you shouldn?t turn the volume up to more than 75 percent of your device?s maximum level. For iOS devices, you can set a volume limit under the music settings.
Also, make sure your earphones fit properly; earphones naturally block ambient sound, so you won?t need to turn the volume up as high. Try holding the earphones in place to see if you?re getting a good seal. If you?re not, experiment with the tips that came with your earphones, keeping in mind that one ear may be slightly larger than the other and need different size tips.
And if you?re in the market for new earphones, look at the output decibel rating. Most will max out at around 100dB, but some offer sound limiting, especially earphones designed for kids; these earphones should only go up to 85dB.
Finally, take periodic 15 to 20 minute breaks when listening at high volume to let the inner ear recover.
This post has been edited by ConvertedLudwigPlayer: Yesterday, 11:38 AM
- Group: Members
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Posted Yesterday, 12:53 PM
If you are using isolation headphones, then how does using someone's voice as a measuring tool help to decide if your music is too loud? I have some earbuds that are rather open and I can hear someone talking, but others with good foam tips block out a lot of ambient sound. Seems like a rather loose barameter for in-ear decibel measurement.The subject of the article is spot on though. Relative decibels via earbuds can be deceiving when you have the sound source inserted in your ear. During rehearsal, I cover my earbuds with industrial ear muffs (-37db) so I get very little ambient sound from the band except through my monitor mix. That way, I can keep the volume at a comfortable level and it sounds great! They are yellow so I don't wear them at gigs however. I also picked up a set of Vic Firth Iso Headphones and they have about a -25db reduction. I use those live when playing to tracks as I am more comfortable hearing the click with the iso phones. I use a small Behringer headphone amp and run a monitor send to it, then have my earbuds in one channel and VFs in another, making for an easy swap. Eventually will move up to molded earbuds to have the best of both worlds. Gotta be careful with those too...
- Group: Patron
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Posted Yesterday, 01:00 PM
My in-ears block ambient noise, so I have to be careful judging how loud the signal is coming in, which is hard to do objectively. I try to keep everything as quiet as possible, but when I'm really getting in to it, I notice I turn up over the course of the gig, then back it down when I notice how loud it's getting. Good article to use as a reminder.This post has been edited by TheBeachBoy: Yesterday, 01:01 PM
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Posted Yesterday, 02:50 PM
Too bad there isn't (or is there?) a way to test the relative db level for an in-ear device...
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Posted Yesterday, 03:26 PM
Good article. I'm constantly warning my daughter to watch her headphone volume on her ipod. I would hate to see her have to deal with tinnitus like her old man!
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Source: http://www.drumforum.org/index.php?/topic/72129-earphones-hearing-loss-article/
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